Make Money On Ebay Without Selling Anything (Unknown Ways)

Now you are going to know untapped ways to make money on eBay without selling anything.

The ways I included you can never get from anywhere.

In this blog post, you will know the new five ways and step-by-step process of how to make money from each one.

Without wasting your time let’s move ahead.

Make Money On Ebay Without Selling Anything

Virtual Services

Offer virtual services such as graphic design, writing, consulting, or coaching.

It has many benefits, such as you as a service provider can work from anywhere and can often choose your own schedule for a better work-life balance.

Unlike selling physical products, this will eliminate the need for a physical office, storefront resulting in lower overhead costs for you.

It also has the potential for scalability as you are not limited by physical space. With the park of digital tools, increased demand for services can be handled by leveraging digital tools and technologies.

Here is the step-by-step process to deliver virtual services on eBay:

Know Your Skills

Lay down which skills you possess to provide virtual services. This could not be physical work but digital work as you can operate all activities in one place, such as writing, graphic design, social media management, virtual assistant, language translation, or any other skill that can be provided remotely.

Look For Demand

Search for the demand of your skills. Consider whether it will be profitable and sustainable or not. Search on freelancing platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork to take a peek at which skills are in demand and are getting more paid.

Here’s a clip from Fiverr’s best eBay virtual assistant services

virtual assistants on Fiverr to make money on ebay without selling anything

This clip is from Upwork

virtual services on upwork to make money on ebay without selling anything

Create Your Listings

This listing will be the main focus of people who would hire you. Hence make sure to make it compelling and detailed. Clearly describe what your offer, your expertise, any relevant qualification or experience is, and include the benefits customers can expect from working with you.

The best way to know what a listing looks like, explore the people who already are virtual assistants providing services with their well-made listings.

Set Competitive Pricing

Pricing is where people get really upset. If it’s too high, you won’t get any work or if it’s too low, people will underrate your skill. So make sure to set a competitive price. take a look at how much other virtual service providers are charging.

Also when pricing, consider factors such as the time you can work, the complexity of the task, and market rates.

If I were you, I would start with competitive prices to attract initial customers and adjust them over time based on demand and feedback.

Domain Names 

If you own valuable domain names, you can list them for sale on eBay.

Clip for the domain name 

Selling domain names comes with various benefits such as it has the potential to appreciate over time, which makes it a valuable investment.

If your domain has high demand or a premium name, buyers can buy it at a given price and sell it at a higher price in the future.

If you want, domain names can also generate passive income through leasing and renting. You can lease your domain name to businesses or someone who wants to use them temporarily.

Hence listing domain names on eBay can be the best way to make money on eBay without selling

These are the steps you need to consider: 

Research Domain Names

Look for domain names that are in demand.

Let’s say you are interested in the technology industry. So you could start by researching popular technology-related keywords. For instance, you might discover that “artificial intelligence” and “cryptocurrency” are trending topics.

For instance, you could go to “” or “” to find out if some domains are available in the technology industry. You could use keywords that are closely related to artificial intelligence or cryptocurrency.

Let’s say you would get a domain like “” or “”.

Search Domain Name on GoDaddy to make money on ebay
Search Domain Name on GoDaddy to make money on ebay

Heft Domain Name Value

Identify the value of the domain you choose. Its value depends on features such as domain length, keywords popularity, extension ( such as .com, .net .org), brandability, and market demand. You can use domain appraisal tools or consult with industry experts to get an estimate of their worth.

Create Domain Listings

Create the listing of your domains, and make it persuasive and detailed so that people will be affected and know all matrices.

Your details would be the domain name, its extension, a description of its potential users, and any traffic or relevance it may have generated.

Use professional images and screenshots to enhance the listings.

Here’s the real example

Domain names on Ebay to make money without selling
Domain names list on ebay

Complete The Sale Security

Once you make a domain listing, determine a competitive price. Start with a reasonable price to attract potential buyers and be open to negotiation.

Research popular keywords in the domain industry and incorporate them naturally into your listing.

Also, use eBay’s promotional tools to increase the visibility of your domain name listing.

Lastly, when someone comes to buy, ensure that that transaction is completed securely.

Use eBay’s recommended platforms or consider using escrow services to protect both parties involved in the transaction.

Remember that the domain name market can be competitive and unpredictable. It’s essential to stay updated on industry trends, monitor market demand, and adjust your pricing.

How to buy and sell domain names 👇

Collectibles Research

If you have expertise in a particular area of collectibles, you can offer research services on eBay.

Making money on eBay through collectibles research brings benefits such as, it typically requires minimal upfront investment, and you don’t need to purchase inventory or hold physical items. 

You just need to focus on gathering knowledge, studying trends, and identifying valuable collectibles.

As a result, by becoming an expert in collectibles, you can leverage your knowledge to identify undervalued items and make informed purchasing decisions.

This expertise can help you spot valuable collectibles that other may overlook, giving you a competitive edge in the market

Here is a guide to help you get started

Choose A Niche 

Find the niche that you are genuinely interested in and has the potential for profitability. This can be items like vintage toys, rare coins, sports memorabilia, comic books, stamps, or any other category that has a market demand.

Conduct Research

If you chose your niche, you now need to dig deep into it. Become knowledgeable and experienced about the collectibles you intend to research. Explore the current market trends, popular brands, and pricing dynamics. 

Use resources like price guides, online forms, collector community, and auction records to glean information.

Identify Valuable Collectibles

Look for collectibles that have a high potential for profitability. This can include limited edition items with historical significance, rare variations, autographed pieces, or those with high demand for collectors.

Utilize eBay’s Tools

eBay offers various tools to help with your research. Use advanced search filters to analyze completed listings and see the final sales prices of similar collectibles. Also pay attention to the condition, reality, and specific attributes that influence the value of these items.

Purchase And Sell

Armed with your research and insights, start acquiring collectibles that you believe have the potential. Be cautious about the condition and authenticity of the items you buy.

Furthermore, create a comparison listing for the collectibles you want to sell. Highlight their unique features, provide accurate descriptions, and use high-quality images to attract potential buyers.

Affiliate Marketing

eBay has a feature where you can sell products through its affiliate links, you don’t have to buy something to sell

Whenever someone purchases a product through your link you will get an instant commission from that product you listed.

As you know, eBay is a well-known and trusted online marketplace with a large customer base. By leveraging eBay’s reputation and credibility you can benefit from the trust that buyers have in the platform, making it more likely for them to make purchases through your affiliate links.

The good news with affiliate marketing is, you are not responsible for inventory management or customer service. eBay handles the entire sales process including order fulfillment, shipping, and customer support. This allows you to focus on promoting products and earning commissions.

Here is the step-by-step process

Sign Up 

First off, Head to eBay Partner Network (EPN), and once you open it click on the “Join Now” button to fill in all the requirement information when asked during sign-up.

Get an Affiliate Link To Promote

After all the above processes, eBay will take a look at your application and send you an approval email. After approval, login into eBay and open the EPN dashboard where you can generate affiliate links for each specific product you want to promote, these links will have a unique ID that will track your sales.

Promote Your Products

When you have got your affiliate links, you can incorporate them on your website, blog, or social media platform. Whatever you prefer ensure your online presence is well-designed, user friendly and provides valuable content related to the product you aim to promote.

Keep in mind that getting results in affiliate marketing takes time and patience. When you add affiliate links, try to make efforts to promote them on your platform. 

You can also utilize banner ads, paid ads, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase the visibility of your blog or website on search engines.

Get your Commission And Monitor Performance

If you choose quality and related products in your niche, you will definitely get commissions and your commission will be decided by how many sales you make from each affiliate link. Your commission can also vary depending on the product and its category.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing 👇

Virtual Event Tickets or Experience

Sell virtual event tickets or experiences, such as access to online conferences, workshops, or webinars. 

Create eBay listings that showcase the benefit and value of attending these virtual events or experiences.

eBay’s auction format can create excitement and drive competitive bidding for virtual event tickets or experiences. This can potentially increase the final selling price and generate higher profit for you.

For you as a seller will have control over setting the prices for your virtual event tickets or experiences. You can determine the listing price based on factors such as the event’s popularity and demand or the value it provides to attendees.

You can follow below points:

Identify And Research Virtual Event Or Experience

Ask yourself, which type of virtual event or experience you want to offer on eBay. This can include online workshops, webinars, virtual tours, or other virtual experiences.

Further, research popular events or experiences, and browse through existing listings to see what types of events or experiences are in demand and how they are priced.

List And Price

Craft compiling and detailed listings for your virtual events or experiences. Clearly describe what the event or experience entails, the data, the time, and any specific feature that can benefit someone.

After listing, lay down the appropriate pricing for your virtual events or experience. Consider factors such as the content, duration, expertise involved, and market rates.

If possible, research similar events or experiences in the current price range and set competitive prices to attract more customers.

Provide Event Details

Once the audience purchases a ticket, guide them with all the necessary details and instructions. This includes information on how to access the event, any required software, platform, or any additional materials they may need.

Make sure to have a stable internet connection and be prepared to face any technical issues during live.


So eventually you know some of the overlooked ways to make money on eBay without selling anything.

I have provided 5 ways including virtual services, domain names, collectibles research, affiliate marketing, and lastly virtual events.

From the given ways, I think domain names and collectibles research may seem unknown.

Now tell in the comment section which way out of the given are new and amazing for you

Additionally, give me some suggestions to include more information in this article to make it more helpful for you.

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