Get Paid To Learn Code: Unlock a Lucrative Future (In 2023)

Want to know all ins and outs of Get Paid to learn code?

Well, If yes then you are at the right place because Now I’m gonna dive into the real ways of getting paid to learn code 

Specifically, which are working in 2023  

You’ll be getting paid while you learn to code and have more career opportunities in future 

So, without any further delay let’s get started

How To Get Paid To Learn Coding 

In order to establish a profitable business almost every entrepreneurs and startups need coding professionals.

Hence the requirement of coding is becoming mandatory today and more in the future.

So, If you could code then go further with this detailed guide to get paid to learn code and if you don’t have coding skills then don’t worry I have provided free ways to learn it.

Let’s begin

Get Paid Through Internships 

It can open a door for you to explore and build skills in different aspects of coding, such as web development, mobile app development, data analysis, or cybersecurity. You could identify interests, strengths, and areas where you want to go.

Find a Coding Internship: At the beginning I want you to define your goals and what exactly you’ll get from the internship. Identify your areas of interest within coding, such as web development, mobile app development, data analysis, or cybersecurity. 

Secondly, explore and research the companies that are known for providing coding internships. For instance, Look for established tech companies, startups, research institutions.

There are many online platforms dedicated to internships like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, InternMatch, and Internshala, which can be valuable resources for finding coding internships.

Once you get an internship make sure to read all their criteria and application instructions that won’t cost you time. Some internships may require additional documents or coding tests so don’t worry about that.

Here is the list of top coding internships I found 

Get Paid To Learn Coding through Google internship

Google Engineering Practicum: It could be the best opportunity for you to work with Google specifically in summer vacations. This internship program is designed for undergraduate students interested in computer science and coding. 

Interns work on real projects, gain exposure to Google’s technologies, and receive mentorship from experienced engineers.

Get Paid To Learn Coding through Microsoft internship

Microsoft Explore: Microsoft’s Explore program offers a 12-week summer internship for undergraduate students pursuing computer science or related degrees. You would work on challenging technical projects, collaborate with teams, and receive mentorship and professional development opportunities. 

Get Paid To Learn Coding through Amazon internship

Amazon Software Development Engineer Internship: Amazon’s Software Development Engineer (SDE) internship offers undergraduate and graduate students the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, collaborate with experienced engineers, and gain exposure to Amazon’s technology stack.

Get Paid To Learn Coding through Apple internship

Apple Engineering Technology Internship: Apple’s Engineering Technology Internship provides undergraduate and graduate students with hands-on experience in coding and technology development. 

You as interns work on innovative projects, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and you could gain exposure to Apple’s products and technologies.

Get Paid Through Apprenticeships 

Get Paid Through Apprenticeships 

Apprenticeships are structured training programs that combine on-the-job learning with classroom instruction. They are designed to teach individuals or you with the necessary skills for a profession, such as coding.

Apprenticeships have the benefit of working closely with experienced professionals who serve as mentors. Mentors provide guidance, support, and feedback throughout the apprenticeship program. 

You would also gain confidence, problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and time management capabilities.

Find a Coding Apprenticeship: first of all, let’s take a look at how many types of Apprenticeships are there then you would have more options to choose from: 

  • Web development Apprenticeships: In this apprenticeship, You would (as an Apprentice) work under the guidance of experienced mentors or instructors to develop your skills in designing, building, and maintaining websites.
  • Software Development Apprenticeships: It is the same but has the major focus on software development, including coding, testing, and debugging applications.
  • Cybersecurity Apprenticeships: These kinds of Apprenticeships specifically focus on teaching individuals the skills necessary to protect computer systems and networks from cyber threats.
  • UX/UI Design Apprenticeships: It would make you learn user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles. You would gain skills in wireframing, prototyping tools, usability testing, and design thinking. 

I think after looking above, you have chosen a specific Apprentice that suits your requirements.

Furthermore, Here are the types of Companies with Coding Apprenticeship Programs, these all are known for providing coding skills and giving real-world experience : 

Get Paid To Learn Coding through IBM Apprenticeship

IBM Apprenticeship Program: It doesn’t require an advanced degree to build new skills while earning. You might know that IBM is investing $250 million in this Apprenticeship Program for you. 

IBM Apprenticeship Program could give you an opportunity to gain skills in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, data science, and cloud computing. Its program combines classroom instruction, hands-on training, and apprenticeships with IBM.

Get Paid To Learn Coding through Salesforce Apprenticeship

Salesforce Apprenticeship Program:  Salesforce offers an apprenticeship program for you, who would be looking to start a career in technology. It could also be an opportunity to learn new skills and get training from experienced mentors, all while working on real projects that affect how their business works. 

This program is associated with the Department of Labor’s ApprenticeshipUSA, Hire Our Heroes (a U.S. Chamber of Commerce initiative), and CareerWise Colorado.

Get Paid To Learn Coding through GitHub Apprenticeship

GitHub Apprenticeship Program : It’s gonna be a six-month learn-and-earn Apprenticeship Program where you will learn software engineering and development operations. This program includes hands-on projects, mentorship, and learning opportunities.

Get Paid Through  Bootcamps And Coding Academies

Get Paid Through  Bootcamps And Coding Academies

In simple words, Bootcamps are short and intensive training programs that focus on teaching specific skills such as Full-Stack Web Development, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Project Management often in a practical and hands-on manner. 

These programs are designed to provide a quick and focused education, typically in a few weeks to a few months. According to the study, it’s about 16.5 weeks long, compared to traditional longer-term educational programs.

Top Bootcamps for Coding As of 2023 

Bootcamp’s Name Format Bootcamp type LengthCIRR MemberCost Other Courses Website 
ActualizeOnline or on campus  (part-time)Coding Bootcamp12 weeksNo$15,900No
BrainStationOnline or on campus (full-time or part-time)Software Engineering Bootcamp12 weeks (full-time) or 8 months (part-time)No $16,500Data science, Digital marketing,  UX design, Web
Coding DojoOnline (full-time or part-time)Software Development Bootcamp16 weeks (full-time); 18-34 weeks (part-time)No$9,995-$16,995Data science and
Flatiron SchoolOnline or on campus (full-time or part-time)Software Engineering Bootcamp15 weeks (full-time) or about 40 weeks (part-time)No $17,900Data science, , Cybersecurity, Product
ThankfulOnline (full-time or part-time)Software Engineering Bootcamp5 (full-time) or 6 months (part-time)No $16,000 (full-time); $9,975 (part-time)Data science, Data analytics, UX/UI design, Digital marketing, Technical project
Noble DesktopOnline or on campus (full-time)Software Engineering Certificate20 weeksNo$10,995Graphic design, Data analytics, Full-stack web development, Front-end web development, Data science, Digital marketing, Digital design, Fintech, UX and UI design, Python

Know How To Pay For A Coding Bootcamp? 

Before getting paid to learn coding through Bootcamp can require a significant amount of money to join and learn adequate skills. Learning with Bootcamp involves tuition fees. In addition to this, there may be expenses such as textbooks, software licenses, equipment, or exam fees for certifications. 

If you have some worry about paying, then just calm down because I’m gonna show you some ways to overcome this problem and enjoy your learning journey

  • Income Share Agreements (ISAs): Nowadays, Income Share Agreements (ISAs) are becoming increasingly popular in the boot camp industry. Under an ISA, you won’t need to pay upfront tuition but agree to pay a percentage of your income for a specified period after you secure a job in the field.
  • Payment Plans: Bootcamps may offer payment plans that would allow you to pay your tuition in installments over the duration of the program. This can help break down the cost into more manageable chunks and reduce the financial burden. Bootcamps that have Payment Plans are Thinkful, Springboard, General Assembly, Flatiron School, Coding Dojo, etc.
  • Private Loans:  Some bootcamps have partnerships with financial institutions that offer private loans specifically for bootcamp tuition. These loans may have competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms. These include App Academy, Coding Dojo, Flatiron School, General Assembly, etc.

Want To Find Bootcamp Job Placement Programs?

Now, At this moment I hope you would have found your fancy Bootcamp with knowing what to pay for. Furthermore, you’ll also need to find Bootcamp Job Placement Programs that you are gonna read:

First of all, research Bootcamp Job Placement Programs and make sure to look for programs that specifically mention job placement assistance 

Secondly, visit Bootcamp’s websites that you’re interested in and look for information on job placement programs.

Lastly,  Review the job placement statistics provided by the bootcamp. Look for information on the percentage of graduates who find employment within a certain time frame after completing the program.

Here’s the comparison graph among three Bootcamps

job placement statistics for Bootcamps


Related: Get Paid To Watch Videos

Get Paid Through Freelancing and Gig Economy 

Get Paid Through Freelancing and Gig Economy Opportunities

First of all, let’s know what it means to say Freelancing and Gig Economy Opportunities

It is a type of work arrangement where you would offer your coding skills and services on a project or task basis, often working independently and without long-term commitments to a single employer. 

Here is a look at Freelancing and Gig Economy Opportunities:

Freelancing: Freelancing involves working as an independent contractor, by being a freelancer you could offer specialized services to clients on a project basis. 

Freelancers are typically self-employed and have the flexibility to choose clients, projects, and work schedules. Common freelance roles include  mobile app development, web developers, full-stack development, database management, E-commerce development, and many others. 

Gig Economy: The gig economy refers to a labor market that is considered a short-term or one-time engagement, where you would perform specific tasks or “gigs” as independent contractors. 

These gigs can be found through online platforms and marketplaces that connect service providers with customers seeking their skills.

Find Freelancing and Gig Opportunities for coding 

Freelancing and Gig Opportunities can open up a range of flexible and independent work options, here’s the step-by-step guide: 

Build a Strong Portfolio: Start by building a portfolio that showcases your coding skills and past projects. Highlight your expertise in specific programming languages, frameworks, or technologies.  A strong portfolio will help attract potential clients and tell your capabilities.

Explore Freelancing Platforms: Explore popular freelancing platforms that connect you as a freelancer with clients looking for coding services. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Toptal, and Guru allow you to create a profile, showcase your skills, and bid on coding projects posted by clients.

Network and Referrals: Leverage your professional network to find freelance gigs. Inform friends, family, and colleagues that you are available for coding projects, and ask for referrals. 

Attend tech events, meetups, and conferences to connect with potential clients or fellow freelancers who may have leads on available opportunities.

Get Paid Through Building a Personal Coding Project  

Get Paid Through Building a Personal Coding Project and Monetizing It

You could also build a Personal Coding Project and monetize it. This can be a rewarding way to showcase your skills, create value for users, and potentially generate income. 

Now, I’m gonna show some coding project ideas that’ll make you money

WordPress Themes and Plugins:  

You might think why I’m talking specifically about WordPress Themes and Plugins is because of all the websites present on the internet  out of them 43% are built on WordPress. Consequently, WordPress has a big market for selling Themes and Plugins.

Creating premium WordPress themes or plugins is a relatively low-cost option. With the popularity of WordPress as a content management system, you could develop themes or plugins using readily available tools and frameworks. 

How to make it

Here’s the video about Selling WordPress themes

Mobile Apps with In-App Purchases

Building a mobile app with in-app purchases involves several things.

You need to start by clarifying your app concept and identifying the target audience. Determine the problem your app solves or the value you are gonna provide to users. This will help guide your development process.

To get paid, Plan your monetization strategy, such as offering additional content, virtual goods, or premium features through in-app purchases.

For more explanation here’s a video :

Build  Chrome extension

Building a Chrome extension can be a great way to provide a useful tool or enhance the functionality of the Chrome browser. These tools require some skills and knowledge to build them

However, you can start by identifying a problem or need that your Chrome extension can address. Research existing extensions to ensure your idea is unique.

Familiarize yourself with the basics of Chrome extensions development. Chrome provides extensive documentation and resources that cover the architecture, APIs, and guidelines for developing extensions.

Get help from video given below:

Which Coding Skills Pay Highest In 2023

The demand for coding skills varies based on many factors, and every coding language has a different potential for earning. 

The majority of people know about coding is the best way to get paid but, don’t know exactly which coding skills can earn more than others, 

When you know about the demanding skills, you can focus on developing them, and get more out of it.

Here’s the table, I have provided that shows earning potential of the most demanding coding skills in 2023:

Coding Language Annual Earning 

How To Learn Coding Skills 

So, I assume you have looked at the potential of coding and how to learn that.

If you don’t know how to code, you can learn any language you want, as due to the advantages of the online world, everything is available to consume and learn in your comfort zone.

Here’re the ways to make yourself better in coding and receiving money.

1. Take a Help Of Tutorials

Tutorials are the first thing when it comes to getting paid to learn to code. These tutorials are often handy, where people learn from basic to advanced level coding.

Depending upon your topic of interest, you can figure out free courses and get valuable classes from them.

Some of the popular learning platforms in my sight are developer.mozilla, freecodecamp and w3schools, these sites will help you tap into the consistent flow of learning and further, getting paid to code.

2. Sololearn

This platform has more than 40 million users, Sololearn is a place where you can learn over 20 coding courses, which includes JavaScript, CSS and more. If you don’t have a PC or laptop, you can assess its courses on an Android app.

Sololearn is a free as well as paid website, its premium version offers many features such as endless practice and ad free interface.

3. MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare is a free to use platform that’s publicly accessible, it belongs to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which has undergraduate and graduate content. 

The best part is, it provides knowledge from 2500 courses.

Its courses include videos for lectures, notes and online textbooks etc.

4. FutureLearn

FutureLearn is another website that provides free and paid features that are made by world class instructors and organizations. 

If you like to watch short videos, then this platform can be the best choice for you, otherwise long lessons are also available to learn.

The contents present on this platform are categorized into three parts, free, upgrade and premium.

5. Upskill 

Upskill operates in more than 150 countries, with 70,000 leaning students. 

This is the platform that provides web development and programming classes. 

Upskill is known to explain long and complex concepts in a short manner. 

Luckily, its free account lets you access more than 200 videos.


Can I get paid to learn code?

Yes, you can get paid to learn code.

How can I earn money while learning to code?

You can earn money while learning to code by participating in coding apprenticeships, internships, or bootcamp programs

Additionally, freelancing, working on coding projects can also help you monetize your coding skills.

Can I monetize my personal coding projects while learning?

Yes, you can monetize your personal coding projects by offering premium versions, in-app purchases, or subscriptions.


Eventually, this is the end of the explanation about getting paid to learn code.

I have explained all things that l knew accordingly through my research, from learning to code and further earning through many ways.

I hope you got your answers and feel good to learn coding while earning.

Right now, I want you to comment below “How many of these are you gonna apply, or what things that I need to add on this article”

Also, Never shy away from sharing this article with your friends, families, or whoever wants to learn code while earning.

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