How To Make Money On Turo Today (2023)

In this article, you will get everything you need to know how to make money on Turo

I show you, some tips, the best cars, and important things to know before you get started

So, let’s dive right in

What is turo?

Let me familiarize you with turo

Turo is an American peer-to-peer car rental company that allows individuals or you to rent out your cars through an online platform or mobile interface, and rentals will browse through available listings and book a car for a period.

So how does Turo make a profit for itself?

Turo charges services from hosts on each rental transaction. This fee is typically a percentage of the rental amount. Aside from these fees, it also charges additional fees such as booking fees, and fees for optional services or add-ons. 

Ultimately these fees are turned into Turo’s revenue and help support the platform’s operations and services.

This is for you

Can You Make Money on Turo?

So you know, what is Turo and how does it generate profit to flourish its service and Company? 

But what about YOU, what can you get out of this company

The answer?

Yes, you can actually make money on Turo, without people like you turo cannot exist because when you list your cars then someone can rent them and that’s exactly how Turo works.

The amount you would earn depends on several factors that you will know further

To start making money on Turo, you need to follow these quick and short points:

  • Visit Turo’s website and sign up as a host. Provide all necessary information including your location, vehicle details, etc.
  • Create charming listings for your vehicle. Take high-quality photos and write a comparing description including features, condition, and any additional perks your vehicle offers.
  • To maximize your earning ensure your vehicle is available for rent as much as possible.
  • Communicate with your potential renters promptly and be clear about any rules or requirements.
  • Push your satisfied rentals to leave positive reviews and ratings, as this can increase your visibility and attract more bookings.
  • Consider any additional personal insurance coverage you may need to protect your assets.

The above considerations are to show you can make money on Turo 

So it’s time to know:

How Can You Make Money On Turo

There are many ways to make money but on Turo, you need to consider some points, because renting cars is not going to be easy like renting a home. You need to be prepared for what comes along the way.

Set A Realistic Price

This is a crucial aspect to get started on turo. You need to have a reasonable and competitive price that people won’t regret. If your price is not good for someone, how could you expect somebody else to

It’s important to research Turo and other car rental platforms to understand the pricing trend and average rates in your area. 

Consider the demand for rental cars in your location and how it fluctuates throughout the year. To capture your potential or rentals during any period, you need to adjust pricing.

When pricing, consider factors such as the model, age, condition, mileage, and demand in your location.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Maintaining your vehicle is essential to get people to use your cars without any worry of mechanical issues.

Keep your vehicle in good shape, regularly service it, keep it clear from inside and outside, and well maintained. That’ll ensure receive positive reviews and attract more bookings

Make the upholstery and flooring in good condition. Consider using seat covers and floor mats to protect the original material from wear and tear.

Ensure your tire is in good condition, regularly check the tire pressure, and consider rotating them as recommended by the manufacturer. Also, monitor your brake pads and replace them when necessary to get optimal braking performance.

Provide A Great Guest Experience

When you set a reasonable price, maintain your vehicle, and provide the best experience you’ll start to attract more customers and get relentless profit.

Turo car rental platform is a kind of Business and in this business, without the right communication and excellent experience, somebody will steal your customers from you and reduce all your possibilities of earning.

So be professional and responsive in your communication with renters. Respond to inquiries and booking requests punctually, and address any questions and concerns they may have.

Ensure that rentals have all the information they need to easily and smoothly navigate the process.

Adopt proactive communication, by staying in touch with renters throughout the rental period. Check-in to ensure everything is going smoothly and address any concerns they may have.

Market Your Listings

To attract potential rentals and increase the availability of your vehicles, you need to market your listings on Turo.

Hence, capture appealing and high-quality photos of your vehicles from different angles, both inside and outside. 

Clear visually appealing photos will attract potential rentals and make your listing stand out.

Write your description in persuasive language to entice renters to choose your vehicle over others.

Also, try to leverage your social media platform to spread your service to a lot of people. Share the links of listings on your personal and/or business account. Make your customers share your listings with their peers.

If possible, participate in relevant online communities and forums related to travel, car rentals, or your local area. Share the information about your listings and make sure you follow the community guidelines and avoid spamming.

Manage Your Expenses

Keep track of your expenses related to your turo business, including insurance costs, maintenance, repair, cleaning supplies, and any fees charged by turo.

Try to budget for regular car washes, inferior cleaning, and detailing to ensure your car is in its best condition for each rental.

Additionally, Turo charges hosts a service fee on each rental transaction. This fee is typically a percentage of the rental amount and covers the cost of operating the platform and facilitating the rental process. So be aware of this fee and factor it into your pricing and revenue calculations.

Lastly, consider the average fuel consumption of your vehicle and calculate the fuel cost associated with each rental.

The amount of fuel consumed depends on the model of your car.

So it’s also important to know which cars fit best in this business you will know below:

What Are The Best Cars To Make Money On Turo

Along with all criteria I discussed early if you choose or have a car out of the list given below, you’ll make more money as these cars are directly recommended by Turo to perform well in this business.

So what are these cars:

1. Fiat 500

Fiat 500 car for turo
Fiat 500 car

This model is known for its fuel efficiency. Its small size and efficient engine contribute to lower fuel costs, which make it an attractive choice for budget-conscious renters.

Its compact size makes it easy to navigate through crowded city streets and find parking in tight spaces.

2. Chrysler Voyager

Chrysler Voyager car for turo
Chrysler Voyager car

The Chrysler Voyager is a minivan that offers spacious seating for up to 7 passengers. Minivans are a popular choice among families or large groups of travelers, requiring ample seating and cargo space.

During peak travel seasons and in areas with family-friendly attractions, minivans often are in high demand.

3. Kia Rio

Kia Rio car for turo
Kia Rio car

Kia Rio is especially known for affordability and fuel efficiency. It offers a budget-friendly option for renters who are looking for an economical and reliable vehicle for their transportation needs. 

Because of its low rental price, it can attract a wide range of renters, including budget-conscious travelers and local communities.

This car falls into the compact car category, which generally has a high demand in the rental market.

4. Audi S5 Cabriolet

Audi S5 Cabriolet car for turo
Audi S5 Cabriolet car

This car is specifically known for its styles, performance and comfort.

As a luxurious and high-performance vehicle, it has a high demand among rentals, seeking a unique and exhilarating driving experience.

Rentals may be more prone to book the Audi S5 Cabriolet for longer periods, such as weekend getaways or vacations as it offers a desired combination of performance and comfort.

You don’t want to miss this next part

How Much Money Can You Make on Turo?

From Turo’s official website, the highest earning went about $1,365 /month. When it’s evaluated the Porsche Boxter has the highest earning on turo.

Your amount on Turo is estimated from the type of vehicle and insurance you choose.  To get an idea of your earning, Turo provides a calculator dedicated to your help where you can input your car models, location, and other information as required and know how much you can make on Turo

As I mentioned about some car models earlier, your car model is the main factor that will decide how much you make on Turo. Such as Fiat 500 will make you approximately $474 /month while Chevy Camaros will make you $73 /day which can add up to $755 /month.

You should not miss the points given below

What Things to Know Before Starting With Turo

Before you submerge on Turo to list your cars, you need to bear something in mind

1. Know Turo’s Policies and Requirements

If you fail to understand its policies and requirements that are necessary with your vehicle, god forbid, you would face problems in the future.

Here are some considerations: 

Age Requirement 

US hosts 21 years old 
Australia hosts21 years old
Canada hosts21 years old
UK hosts 18 years old 

Vehicle Requirements

  • Should be more than 12 years old
  • Should have a fever then 1,30,000 miles
  • Should have a fair market value of more than $200,000
  • Vehicle insurance

Turo’s Cancellation Policies 

Turo has a cancellation policy that hosts must adhere to. It specifies the penalties and fees associated with canceling bookings, including the potential impact on your host rating and future bookings. 

Understanding and complying with Turo’s cancellation policy is important for maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding penalties.

2. Use Turo Calculator 

To get an estimate of how much money you could make on turo with your vehicle, this calculator will help you a lot.

This tool would require you to input details of your vehicle such as the make, model, year, and location, by utilizing this information, Turo will understand the market value and demand for your specific vehicle and provide you with an estimate.

In this calculator, there are two ways to calculate, 

By budget

search by budget on turo calculator

By vehicle

search by vehicle on turo calculator

3. Aware The Insurance Coverage

As a Turo host, it’s crucial to be aware of the insurance coverage provided by Turo. Turo offers insurance options to protect hosts and their vehicles during the rental period such as

1. Liability Insurance: Turo provides liability insurance coverage to hosts. This coverage protects hosts against claims by third parties for bodily injury or property damage that may occur during the rental period. 

2. Physical Damage Protection: Turo also offers physical damage protection for hosts. This coverage protects your vehicle against physical damage caused by collisions, theft, or vandalism during the rental period. 

3. Coverage Levels: The specific coverage levels and deductibles may vary depending on factors such as the location, vehicle value, and the insurance plan you choose. Turo provides different coverage options, including Basic, Standard, and Premier plans, with varying levels of protection and deductibles. 

It’s essential to thoroughly review Turo’s insurance policy, coverage details, and any specific requirements for your location. 

Understanding the insurance coverage provided by Turo helps you protect your vehicle and financial interests during the rental period.



That’s all to make money on turo.

With this park, you could generate income without actually working or holding the steering of your car. You just need to list your cars in turo of whatever number such as the more cars you list the more money you would make by considering all factors that are given and utilizing tool to know the future estimate of earnings.

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